O, Grand Old Party, whence have ye been hijacked?
The current yay-hoos who have infiltrated the ranks of the Republican Party have issued a "Pledge to America." We are supposed to be impressed, I suppose, with the high-sounding language and noble aspirations contained therein. Sorry boys, but I'm not smellin' what the Rock is cookin'!
What we have here is a failure to say anything really new...these are recycled ideas from the failed policies of yesteryear. Even their fellow Republicans are smart enough to look at the numbers and say, "Hey, wait a minute...something just doesn't add up here!"
To wit-- The cornerstone of the proposal is the "permanent" extension of the Bush-era tax cuts of 2001 and 2003. Rep. Boehner and his clan salivate like Pavlov's dogs every time anybody rings that bell. Of course, that adds, in round numbers, about 400 billion dollars a year to the national deficit each year for the next 10 years. This is (supposedly) balanced by their ingenious plan to "roll back government spending to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels, saving us at least $100 billion in the first year alone."
Now let me see...I was never very good at math. No, that's not true, I was actually pretty doggone good at math. That means we're LOSING $300 billion a year, IDIOTS!
They also "pledge" to repeal the infamous and somehow sinister "Obamacare" health care legislation-- oh, but there are certain parts of that legislation that they really like, so of course they won't touch those. They want to protect the people's rights not to be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions, and they will, of course, not be mean to seniors, veterans, or our troops.
(Interesting that these are probably the most costly of the features included in the current law, so I'm not sure exactly how they're going to preserve them but not have to pay for them. Maybe the insurance companies will just roll over and play dead while we all take a turn at picking THEIR pockets for once! Snicker, snicker...)
They also love to play the "strong defense" card in these discussions; hey, I believe in a strong national defense and hold immense respect and pride in our men and women (including the gay ones) that make up our armed forces. But, come on, GOP'ers...you say you want to increase our defense spending, NOT on more troops, better training, or safer equipment...but on MISSILES! Basically, defense spending already outstrips every other portion of the Federal budget, including those dreaded "entitlements" that get you so riled up.
How in the heck are you going to pay for more missiles AND lower the deficit at the same time?
Okay, that's about enough out of me for now. I think I'll just close with a quote from "one of their own," Erick Erickson, who is editor of the conservative website redstate.com. Mr. Erickson summed up the substance of the GOP Pledge to America with these words:
"It is full of mom-tested, kid-approved pablum that will make certain hearts on the right sing in solidarity. But like a diet full of sugar, it will actually do nothing but keep making Washington fatter before we crash from the sugar high."
Who said I don't like any Republicans?
Haha...your "Rock" reference is a few years behind the times, eh Dad? What else would you expect from a curmudgeon?
ReplyDeleteMore to the point, agree 100%.
Basically, the "Pledge to America" is all about protecting the rich's "right to prosperity".
Forget about people who can't afford health insurance, Seniors who can't afford medicine and social security.
Exactly, my young padwan! Hey, it's a blog...I've got to let my inner curmudgeon flow!!